MSH|^~\&|EQUATORDXTRAY^EQUATORDXTRAY:0.12.8 (Build 310)^L|Demo Server^1FFA8984-7166-4655-B195-7B4FFFD2F136^GUID|||20050417213103+1000||ORU^R01|20050417.736384|P|2.3.1^AUS&&ISO^0.9&&L|||AL||AUS PID|1||2345756^^^Medical-Objects&7C3E3682-91F6-11D2-8F2C-444553540000&GUID^SR^Buderim GE Centre&7C3E3681-91F6-11D2-8F2C-444553540000&GUID~4024728674^^^AUSHIC^MC~12345^^^Rx Medical^SR^Buderim GE Centre&7C3E3681-91F6-11D2-8F2C-444553540000&GUID~100004^^^Medical-Objects&7C3E3682-91F6-11D2-8F2C-444553540000&GUID^SR^Demo Server&1FFA8984-7166-4655-B195-7B4FFFD2F136&GUID||JONES^June^^^^^L||19760108|F|||24 Sutherland Street^^BUDERIM^QLD^4556^AUS^C|||54455531^PRN^PH^^^^54455531 PV1|1|O||||||0341616X^WHITE^WILSON^^^DR^^^AUSHICPR^L^^^UPIN|0341616X^WHITE^WILSON^^^DR^^^AUSHICPR^L^^^UPIN ORC|RE||3E031303-8A3C-11D9-860B-00CA050276D0^Buderim GE Centre^7C3E3681-91F6-11D2-8F2C-444553540000^GUID||CM|||||||0341616X^WHITE^WILSON^^^DR^^^AUSHICPR^L^^^UPIN OBR|1||3E031303-8A3C-11D9-860B-00CA050276D0^Buderim GE Centre^7C3E3681-91F6-11D2-8F2C-444553540000^GUID|11488-4^Letter^LN|||20050222+1000|||||||||0341616X^WHITE^WILSON^^^DR^^^AUSHICPR^L^^^UPIN||From Buderim GE Centre in File dated 16.04.2005||LN=3E031303-8A3C-11D9-860B-00CA050276D0||20050224+1000|||F|||0341616X^WHITE^WILSON^^^DR^^^AUSHICPR^L^^^UPIN~0191322W^ANDERSON^THOMAS^^^DR^^^AUSHICPR^L^^^UPIN~0341615J^ANDREWS^JOHN^^^DR^^^AUSHICPR^L^^^UPIN||||0191322W&ANDERSON&THOMAS OBX|1|FT|11488-4^^LN||\.br\ AM/slc/JJ080176\.br\ Dictated: 22.02.05\.br\ Typed: 24.02.05\.br\Dr Wilson White\.br\14 Daniel Street\.br\NAMBOUR QLD 4560\.br\\.br\ cc: Dr John Andrews\.br\\.br\Dear Wilson,\.br\Re: June Jones\.br\ D.O.B. 08.01.76\.br\\.br\I reviewed June with her husband today. She came along really looking for\.br\alternatives to cholecystectomy as "there is no way she is having that".\.br\\.br\As I explained to her, her dilated bile duct really suggests that her gall\.br\bladder is not working and it has not been working for many years. Even if\.br\we could clear her gall bladder with shock wave therapy or dissolving\.br\agents the odds are that it still would not work and form stones again\.br\rapidly. It also provides a reservoir for new stones to enter the bile\.br\duct and a place where biliary mud can form and later solidify in the bile\.br\duct to form soft primary duct stones and then you end up in a cycle of\.br\chronic infection which in many cases can never be satisfactorily resolved. \.br\Several patients have regular clean outs of their bile duct because they\.br\continue to form soft primary duct stones.\.br\\.br\I think I finally got through to her that cholecystectomy is the best\.br\option and the option most likely to be beneficial to her and that\.br\following any other path is probably higher risk although without a crystal\.br\ball it is always hard to predict.\.br\\.br\I suggested she discuss it with you and make an appointment to see John\.br\Andrews with a view to cholecystectomy and hopefully this will happen\.br\without further ado.\.br\\.br\Thank you for asking me to review her.\.br\\.br\\.br\Yours sincerely,\.br\\.br\\.br\Thomas Anderson\.br\Gastroenterologist.\.br\||||||F OBX|2|FT|PIT^^AUSPDI||001 Medical-Objects 07 01/07/1996\.br\002 \.br\003 Report Run Number: 1 Created: 17/04/2005 at 22:51:04\.br\004 Surgery: XXX Reports: 24/02/2005 00:00:00 to 24/02/2005 00:00:00 \.br\009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\.br\010 WHITE,DR. WILSON 0341616X\.br\019 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\.br\020 Your Ref. Patient Name Lab Ref. Test\.br\021 JONES,June 3E031303-8A3 Letter\.br\029 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\.br\100 Start Patient : JONES,June \.br\101 24 Sutherland Street, BUDERIM QLD 4556 \.br\104 Birthdate: 08/01/1976 Age: Y29 Sex:F\.br\105 Telephone: 07 \.br\109 \.br\110 Your Reference : \.br\111 MO Reference : 3E031303-8A3C-11D9-860B-00CA050276D0\.br\112 Medicare Number: \.br\115 Phone Enquiries: Thomas ANDERSON (0191322W) \.br\119 \.br\121 Referred by : WHITE,DR. WILSON \.br\122 Copy to : ANDERSON,DR. THOMAS \.br\122 Copy to : ANDREWS,DR. JOHN \.br\123 Addressee : WHITE,DR. WILSON 0341616X\.br\129 \.br\200 Start of Result:\.br\201 Specimen :\.br\203 Requested : 22/02/2005\.br\204 Collected : 22/02/2005 00:00\.br\205 Name of Test : Letter \.br\206 Reported : 24/02/2005 00:00\.br\207 Confidential : N\.br\208 Test Category : N\.br\209 \.br\210 Normal Result : Y\.br\299 \.br\301 \.br\301 \.br\301 AM/slc/JJ080176\.br\301 Dictated: 22.02.05\.br\301 Typed: 24.02.05\.br\301 Dr Wilson White\.br\301 14 Daniel Street\.br\301 NAMBOUR QLD 4560\.br\301 \.br\301 cc: Dr John Andrews\.br\301 \.br\301 Dear Wilson,\.br\301 Re: June Jones\.br\301 D.O.B. 08.01.76\.br\301 \.br\301 I reviewed June with her husband today. She came along really looking for\.br\301 alternatives to cholecystectomy as "there is no way she is having that".\.br\301 \.br\301 As I explained to her, her dilated bile duct really suggests that her gall\.br\301 bladder is not working and it has not been working for many years. Even if\.br\301 we could clear her gall bladder with shock wave therapy or dissolving\.br\301 agents the odds are that it still would not work and form stones again\.br\301 rapidly. It also provides a reservoir for new stones to enter the bile\.br\301 duct and a place where biliary mud can form and later solidify in the bile\.br\301 duct to form soft primary duct stones and then you end up in a cycle of\.br\301 chronic infection which in many cases can never be satisfactorily resolved. \.br\301 Several patients have regular clean outs of their bile duct because they\.br\301 continue to form soft primary duct stones.\.br\301 \.br\301 I think I finally got through to her that cholecystectomy is the best\.br\301 option and the option most likely to be beneficial to her and that\.br\301 following any other path is probably higher risk although without a crystal\.br\301 ball it is always hard to predict.\.br\301 \.br\301 I suggested she discuss it with you and make an appointment to see John\.br\301 Andrews with a view to cholecystectomy and hopefully this will happen\.br\301 without further ado.\.br\301 \.br\301 Thank you for asking me to review her.\.br\301 \.br\301 \.br\301 Yours sincerely,\.br\301 \.br\301 \.br\301 Thomas Anderson\.br\301 Gastroenterologist.\.br\301 \.br\309 \.br\319 \.br\390 End of Report :\.br\399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\.br\999 END OF LISTING - Run Number:1 17/04/2005 22:51:04\.br\||||||F